Blonde Ambition | Skin Deep
Musical, Adult, Comedy | 1980 | 82MIN
John Amero
Lem Amero
Suzy Mandel
Dory Devon
Eric Edwards
Jamie Gillis
New 4K restoration presented and introduced by filmmaker/archivist Elizabeth Purchell and adult film historian Casey Scott.
“If you liked DEEP THROAT and SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, you’re gonna love… BLONDE AMBITION!” The lives and loves of the fabulous Kane Sisters — sophisticated Candy (Dory Devon) and ditzy Sugar (Suzy Mandel) — are recounted in this hetero hardcore extravaganza by the gay Amero Brothers. Whisked away to New York to make it big on Broadway, the Kane Sisters encounter a wealthy British noble (Eric Edwards), a swishy filmmaker (Jamie Gillis) making a hardcore GONE WITH THE WIND, a sleazy private dick (Wade Nichols), and an outrageous drag emcee (Kurt Mann) on their quest for stardom. New 4K restoration by Vinegar Syndrome and Distribpix.
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