Chapo Trap House/Movie Mindset Presents: In the Mouth of Madness - 35MM
Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 1994 | 95MIN
John Carpenter
Sam Neill
Jürgen Prochnow
Julie Carmen
John Glover
Movies are more real than reality. Will Menaker (Chapo Trap House) and Hesse Deni (Seeking Derangements) bring you for the first time ever, a podcast about reality (movies). The first movie podcast ever…featuring Will and Hesse.
Movie Mindset will initiate you into the mysteries and power of watching movies. Ever since they were invented, movies have been a powerful brain-enhancing nootropic, let Will and Hesse guide you to better living and thinking through movies. An education in the cinema, each episode is a double feature curated by Will and Hesse centered on a director or star and how they contributed to the rich tapestry of movies.
The series will launch April 26th, and run for ten episodes. The first episode will be available for free on the Chapo Trap House feed wherever you get podcasts, all subsequent episodes will be available exclusively for subscribers at patreon.com/chapotraphouse.
To help launch the series, we’re partnering with the Roxy Cinema New York for a special kickoff screening of John Carpenter’s In The Mouth of Madness, a film that perfectly encapsulates the movie mindset experience of being driven insane by the reality-warping magic of the media we love to consume. Will and Hesse will intro the 7PM screening on 4/27, and host a talkback + Q+A afterwards. Extended intro 9:30pm show!
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