Hamilton's Pharmacopeia and Deadly Force - 16MM
Documentary | 1980 / 2018 | 104MIN
Richard Cohen
Hamilton Morris
Hamilton Morris
Deadly Force (1980, 60MIN, 16MM)
In the early morning of August 4, 1977, a veteran Los Angeles police officer, from the Ramparts Division, stopped his car to investigate Ron Burkhold, a naked unarmed man on a street corner. Within minutes, Burkholder lay dead, shot six times. The use of deadly force continues to be a recurring and divisive issue in communities across the nation. This powerful and provocative documentary examines police accountability for civilian fatalities by focusing on a killing that rocked Los Angeles and led to the re-writing of the city’s gun policy.
A Clandestine Chemist’s Tale (S02 E06, originally aired 1/2/18, 44MIN)
Hamilton meets an unsung hero of the psychedelic underground and hears a tragic tale of MDMA synthesis and chemiluminescence.
Q&A following screenings

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Q&A with Hamilton Morris
Hamilton's Pharmacopeia mastermind Hamilton Morris joins us at Roxy Cinema for a post-screening Q&A concerning his show and Richard Cohen's Deadly Force.
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