Screen Slate & Steak Mtn. Present | Death Takes A Holiday: Identikit (aka The Driver's Seat) - 35MM
Drama, Mystery, Horror | 1974 | 102MIN
Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
Elizabeth Taylor
Ian Bannen
Guido Mannari
Andy Warhol
It’s Elizabeth Taylor on the verge of a nervous breakdown in this singularly bizarre Muriel Spark adaptation, whose reputation has vacillated over the years from so-bad-it’s-great to actually-a-masterpiece. Lise (Taylor) travels from Hamburg to Rome on a journey fraught with strange events and aggressive psychosexual overtones, while the ultimate purpose of her destination gradually becomes clear: she is looking for a man to murder her. Identikit’s delirious atmosphere—a nightmare often playing out in broad daylight in hotel lobbies and empty department stores—is enhanced by incredible cinematography from the great Vittorio Storraro. Taylor, often partially obscured by sunset-pink aviator sunglasses, gives one of the most distinctive performances of her late theatrical screen career. And get hyped for the strange Andy Warhol cameo.
Part of Screen Slate & Steak Mtn. Present: Death Takes a Holiday
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