Image from the motion picture Kanaval: A People's History of Haiti in Six Chapters Image from the motion picture Kanaval: A People's History of Haiti in Six Chapters

Kanaval: A People's History of Haiti in Six Chapters

Documentary | 2022 | 78MIN


Leah Gordon
Eddie Hutton-Mills

KANAVAL is a visually arresting award-winning feature documentary that is set in the present but tells the rich story of Haiti’s past, as we follow a number of carnival performers in the lead up to and during the annual Jacmel Mardi Gras. These performers relate their own personal histories as well as the stories of their carnival characters, representing moments and people from the distant and not so distant Haitian past.
Interwoven with the interviews, testimonies and observational footage, is archive material drawn from a wide variety of sources to enhance our understanding of Haitian history and culture from the time of the indigenous Taino through to the present day.

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