Paul Williams Retrospective: Out of It - 35MM
Comedy, Drama | 1969 | 95MIN
Paul Williams
Barry Gordon
Jon Voight
Lada Edmund Jr.
The story of two high school students: one a socially inept intellectual, the other a not-so-bright football hero and lady killer.– Paul’s first film is a crisp black and white story inspired by his own high school years (shot by John G. Avildsen) about a horny charismatic nerd played by Barry Gordon (“A Thousand Clowns”) and his teenage travails, which include being bullied by a dumb jock played by Jon Voight in his first film. Shades of “Fabelmans”.
3/31 – An Evening with Paul Williams, moderated by Paul Cronin! Featuring a special discussion of Williams’ work that will include a selection of extraordinary and wonderful clips from his films and home movies
Part of the retrospective Harvard, Hollywood, Hitmen, and Holy Men: The Films Of Paul Williams.

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An Evening with Paul Williams and Paul Cronin
Filmmaker Paul Williams and writer Paul Cronin join us at the Roxy Cinema for a special discussion of Williams' work that will include a selection of extraordinary and wonderful clips from his films and home movies, plus conversation about the dramas of the life cycle, East meeting West via acting and eastern transcendentalism, writing about building the ego and how to destroy it, the state of the world today and the great themes of violence and crime in American masterpieces. And cats.
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