Shadows and Fog - 35MM
Comedy | 1991 | 85MIN
Woody Allen
Woody Allen
Mia Farrow
Michael Kirby
Madonna said working on a Woody Allen film “was like going to the psychiatrist – not necessarily fun, but certainly educational and enlightening.” According to Allen, her teeny-bit performance as a tightrope walker in his expressionist sideshow murder mystery is “first-rate.” Madonna adds her name to the endless list of actresses that have lent their time to America’s most neurotic existentialist, a list that now includes more than 50 feature films over six decades.
Video: OPEN YOUR HEART (Jean-Baptiste Mondino, 1986):
A sumptuously art-directed nod to 1940s-era peep-show voyeurism, fashion photographer Jean-Baptiste Mondino’s premiere video for Madonna is our first glimpse of her extraordinary dancer’s physique and meticulous, Fosse-esque showmanship, evoking Sally Rand and Cyd Charisse. The short concludes with Madonna and a prepubescent admirer skipping towards the sunset, an homage to Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid.
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