The Carnal Screen: The Deadman - 16MM
Fantasy, Experimental | 1986 | 40MIN
Peggy Ahwesh
Keith Sanborn
Jennifer Montgomery
Roman Quanta La Gusta
Scott Shat
Diane Torr
Programmed in conjunction with Filmmaker’s Co-op and Museum of Sex.
“The Deadman charts the adventures of a nearly naked heroine who leaves the corpse of her dead lover in a country house, goes to a bar and sets in motion a scabrous free-form orgy before returning to her house to die. The film manages to approximate the transgressive poetic prose of Bataille (a mixture of elegance, raunchy defilement and barbaric splendor) while celebrating female sexual desire without the usual patriarchal-porn trimmings.” – Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader Made with Keith Sanborn. Featuring performances by Jennifer Montgomery, Roman Quanta la Gusta, Scott Shat, Diane Torr and Leslie Singer.
preceded by Getting His Goat a.k.a The Goat Man (1923) and Bimbo’s Initiation (1931)
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