Formative Comedies | Julie Klausner
Comedian Julie Klausner on the films that inspired her - this time Susan Seidelman's She-Devil!

If I were going to lie to you, I’d swear that the films of the 1980s ad 1990s that shaped my still- pliant tastes and which would later influence my work as a writer/performer were hoity-toity and high falutin’. But the movies I loved when I was growing up were regular-toity and didn’t falute at all. They were, for the most part, mid-budget studio comedies that generally didn’t exceed 90 minutes or seem to, starring character actors and comics, aimed at all ages, and which aired in heavy rotation on cable. They are infinitely quotable ear-worm-food; the origin of inside jokes you share with siblings and sleepover friends.. High concept premises, grounded set pieces, A+ jokes and heartfelt foundations all helped give these trinkets their sparkle. I have fond memories of these comedies, and I’m eager to enthuse about the ones that still hold up.
She-Devil screens 2/24, followed by a discussion between Julie Klausner and director Susan Seidelman. Buy tickets HERE.

Roseanne Barr in She-Devil